Community management

Cherry developed a Disease Community Management offer for complete outsourcing or for punctual needs for social network communications.

  • Social media page set up (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • Identification of influencers, bloggers, KOLs and ROLs
  • Community moderation in respect of statutory constraints
Community management

E-reputation & Crisis management on social networks

Internet changed our behaviour. In 2018, 51% of the world’s population (3,8 billion people) are connected on the Internet. Every minute, there are 216 million pictures liked on Facebook, 350 000 tweets posted, and 400 hours of YouTube videos uploaded. The healthcare sector is very exposed and numerous scandals or bad buzzes are born on social media.

gestion de crise

Your challenges

  • Manage your image and brand strategy.
  • Estimate crisis risks and identify content’s alert peaks that can compromise your brand or products.
  • Defuse a possible crisis or “bad buzz”.
  • Rebuild public’s trust.
  • Anticipate and manage crises.

Our solutions

  • Implementation of resources and processes.
  • Business intelligence and listening of social networks via our Intelledata® tool.
  • Identification of alert peaks and quantitative and qualitative contents analysis.
  • Implementation of a Content Management strategy.
  • Implementation of a crisis unit coupling Medical Information and Community Management.