To increase your company’s visibility, or to sell your products and services online, creating a website is now a crucial step. But your website alone is not enough, it is even more important that users are able to find you among the billion Internet pages available on the Web. How do you stand out from the crowd, you say?
How to promote my website?
Your site is finally online, all nice and fresh and it is now time to attract Internet users. The promotion of a website goes through various channels: natural referencing (SEO), social networks, blog articles, advertising, etc. In this article, we will mainly talk about content marketing. Content marketing is about creating unique content that will bring your target audience to you 😉
Here we talk more in detail about the art of storytelling
How to write quality digital content?
Try to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and create content that Internet users will want to read – see – listen and more importantly, share 😉
Diversify formats:
If blog articles have been on the rise for a long time, uses are evolving and video format and computer graphics are becoming more and more important. The arrival of social networks has a lot to do with it and in this sense, the choice of the format of your content must take into account your promotion channels and moments of information consumption:
- When will my article be read? Is it relevant to offer an audio version (podcast)?
- What device is used: mobile, PC, tablet?
- Which format will be more effective on social networks?
Think about the perceived value and added value of your content
Internet users attach importance to the reliability and quality of content. They will judge you by the quality and expertise of your writers, especially in the medical and scientific fields. Document your sources and support your writing with facts as much as possible.
And don’t forget to interact with your audience…
Finally, connect with your readers by addressing topics that directly affect them. Federate a community around your blog by giving a voice to Internet users to increase users’ engagement. Your strategy will have succeeded if your readers become your ambassadors by recommending your content and services.
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